10 Oct

The First Principle of Neurographica

(based upon the teachings and writings of P.Piskarev, the founder of the Neurographica method)


When it comes to images, we have the opportunity to collect multiple meanings within one image.

For example, the image of a house integrates the sum of the meanings associated with it: childhood, parents, one’s room, growing energy, early memories ...

Images integrate meanings, which means that, when dealing with images, we have the opportunity to assemble a whole cascade of meanings in one image (see my video called MACards w Neurographica on my YouTube channel- link in comments). 

Thus the graphic image makes it possible to combine on one sheet what is difficult to say in one sentence or even to connect to in a story. 

On one sheet, you can draw completely different images. 

On the one hand, the image may look contradictory, but on the other, it turns out that a large number of meanings can be placed on one sheet, thereby combining them. 

From the point of view of integrative practice, the unification of meanings is a key and even leading function that we need to be able to implement.

NeuroGraphica is a living art that works directly with the human soul. 

Therefore, each drawing should be accompanied by the careful observation of your inner state and your bodily reactions: your emotions, feelings, and thoughts.

 To learn the NeuroGraphica method in depth and to start practicing it join the next cohort of the Basics Neurographica Course here lanashalom.com

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